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How to Upload a Property Listing
Upload a Property Listing
Uploading a property listing on Florida Rental By Owners is extremely easy.
If you have paid for multiple properties be careful to upload the property associated with that subscription level, as it cannot be changed.
- In your Host Dashboard > Click the "Listings" tab
- If more than 1 property, choose the subscription package you wish to start with
- Click the "Details" button and the following pop up will appear (screenshot below)
- Start at the top left tab and work your way down to the bottom tabs
- Enter all of the necessary details in each tab for the listing
- Press the save buttons in each tab to retain your data
- It is VERY important to fill out each section in order for your property to be captured in the appropriate traveler searches (ie: pet-friendly, beachfront, etc..)
If you have any difficulty or need further instructions use the "Support Tab" for each category details on your host dashboard for tutorial assistance.
Upgrading & Promoting your listing
You can purchase short-term Paid Ads to increase your exposure on Florida Rental By Owners. This is a great opportunity to boost your property to garner more inquiries and bookings. Last Minute Deals, Highlighted and Featured Ads are available for purchase.
- Paid Ads are only eligible for active FLARBO subscribers
- Paid Ads can be purchased at any time and run for a limited period
- To purchase a paid ad, a listing must be published and approved by the FLARBO team first
- Once a listing has been approved you may click on the property and follow the instructions for payment