12:00 PM
10:00 AM
See house rules above and terms and conditions below.
In the event it is necessary for the Association to take legal or other action against any resident for violation of these rules, the losing party shall pay costs and expenses, including a reasonable attorney’s fee for the successful party’s attorney.
1. Hours are from Sunrise to Sunset
2. Children under 12 must be supervised by an adult in the pool and are not allowed in the spa.
3. Children not toilet trained must wear SWIM DIAPERS and proper swimming attire.
4. Only bathing suits are to be worn in the pool and spa
5. No breakable containers are allowed in the pool or spa area.
6. No food or drink is allowed in the pool or spa or on the ledges around the pool/spa.
7. No running, loud noise, excessive splashing, diving or rough housing
8. Chairs, lounges or tables may not be reserved by leaving personal belongings on them
9. Chairs or lounges may not be removed from the pool area.
10. Safety devices are the only articles allowed in the pool.
11. Beach towels are to be used to cover the chairs and lounges.
12. Clean feet, shoes and all other items when coming in from the beach.
13. Headphones are required when using a radio/DVD player, etc.
14. Unit owners are only allowed to have eight (8) people *including the owner(s) in the pool enclosure at any one given time. Any number over 8 will require prior Board approval.
1. Playing with a ball, Frisbee, skateboarding, rollerblading, bike riding and fireworks are not allowed any place on the grounds, including the walkways.
2. Owners/renters/guests are responsible for keeping walkways clear and unobstructed.
3. Nothing is to be stored in the owner’s parking space. Bikes may be stored in the ground floor stairwells.
4. No running, roughhousing, excessive noise on walkways.
5. Children must not play with the entrance phone or phones and controls in the elevators
6. Stairwell and lobby doors are to be kept closed and locked at all times.
7. Shopping carts are located in trash rooms on all floors. Please return them to the trash room after use. They are not to be kept in units or left on the walkways. If this rule is not followed, the carts are subject to being removed from the property.
8. DO NOT allow strangers access to the building. If they are visiting they must use the entrance phone.
9. No one other than maintenance personnel are permitted on the roof at any time.
10. Nothing is to be left or stored in the meter or telephone rooms.
11. You may NOT wash your balcony floor and push the water over the edge of the balcony.
1. All guests must register at the office (#101) upon arrival and obtain a parking permit. The parking permit must be displayed on the car dashboard and the owner’s parking space is to be used if the owner is not in residence. Cars not so identified will be considered illegally parked and will be towed at the owner’s expense, without prior notification.
2. Occupancy is limited to a single family.
3. No pets allowed.
4. Guests are not permitted to pay rent.
5. When owners are not present guests will use owner’s assigned parking space. When owners are in residence, guests will use guest parking.
6. Owners are responsible that the rules are furnished to guests and that the rules are not violated.
7. Persistent violation of rules will lead to removal of recreational facility privileges and eviction.
8. Owner’s welfare is to be respected at all times. It is their home and they have priority over guests to all facilities.
1. All waste is to be placed in plastic bags, tied and put into the rash chutes.
2. Newspapers are to be tied or put into bags before putting into trash chutes.
3. Large cartons should be broken up and put into dumpsters in the ground floor trash rooms.
4. It is the responsibility of the owner to dispose of furniture, bathroom fixtures and other large items. DO NOT place these items in the dumpsters or the trash rooms.
1. Pets are limited to two (2) per unit and must be easily carried in the common areas and cannot exceed 20 lbs. Any other animal must be approved by the Board.
2. Pets are not allowed in the lobby or pool areas.
3. Owners are responsible for cleaning up after their animals.
1. All parking is by owner decal or guest parking permit.
2. Cars not displaying a permit will be considered illegally parked and will be towed at owner’s expense, without prior notification.
3. When owners are not in residence, guests are to use the owner’s assigned space. When owners are present, guests are to use a guest space.
4. No trucks, except ones used as a primary family vehicle, are allowed.
5. Campers, trailers, motor cycles or boats may be parked temporarily for three (3) days only with the approval of the Board.
6. No owner/renter/guest may use another owner’s parking space without their written consent.
7. Written consent must be filed in the office.
8. Vehicles are limited to two (2) per unit.
1. No one shall play a stereo or TV loud enough to disturb the neighbors.
2. Please remember that sound carries easily when entering the pool area, or on the balconies at night.
3. FEEDING SEAGULLS from the property is prohibited.
4. Repeated rule infractions by a renter or guest will make it necessary to deny violators further access to Surf Side South property.
1. Complaints must be in writing, signed and submitted to the Board.
1. An owner or real estate person must attend the showing of a unit. A key will not be given to a prospective tenant so that the individual may view the unit unaccompanied.
2. No rental shall be for less than a full month (incudes months that have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days).
3. Owners must furnish renter/guests with a copy of the house rules.
4. If a renter leaves temporarily, during the term of a rental, the owner MAY NOT occupy the unit or use the amenities during the renters absence. Exception; if the rental agreement is deemed “abandoned” (the Board has the authority to decide) the owner may then occupy the unit. If the Board has determined that the rental agreement is “abandoned” the renters may not return to the unit.
5. An application fee of $100, along with a completed rental form, must be received 14 days prior to a tenant’s arrival.
6. No rental will be approved unless all assessments and maintenance fees are up to date and paid in full.
7. Upon arrival, renters/guests must register at unit #101 and obtain and complete a parking permit which is to be displayed on the dashboard of their car. If a proper parking permit is not displayed, the car is illegally parked and will be towed at the owner’s expense without prior notification.
8. Renters are to park in owner’s assigned space only.
9. Rental to a single family only.
10. No sub-leasing is allowed.
11. Guests of renters are not allowed to occupy the unit for more than three (3) days while the renter is not present.
12. No pets are allowed
13. No campers, trailers, boats, motor cycles or commercial trucks are allowed on property (non-commercials trucks used as a primary vehicle are allowed).
14. Keys for a rental unit are not to be left anywhere on the property.
15. You must supply renters with keys. The Board is not responsible for rental keys.
1. Please be sure to give the House Rules to your tenants and any real estate person who handles your rentals.
1. Occupancy limited to 6 persons including children and visitors.
2. TENANT shall execute this lease and return to OWNER with initial deposit of $500.00 US no later than 7 days from receipt.
3. Should the TENANT not take possession or make payments as provided herein, it shall be considered a breach of contract and the OWNER may re-rent the property without liability on the part of the OWNER. The TENANT shall not assign, sublet or permit the leased property or any part thereof to be used by others except the TENANT named herein, the TENANT’s spouse, children or guests for temporary visits.
4. If the TENANT cancels his/her reservation, all funds received will be refunded ONLY if premises are re-rented by OWNER for the reservation period. OWNER will make every effort to find a replacement TENANT. If OWNER is successful in securing a replacement for the entire term of the lease, at the same rate and terms, the TENANT will receive a refund of the deposit paid less $50 US. There is no guarantee that a replacement TENANT will be secured and there is no guarantee the TENANT will receive a refund if a replacement TENANT is not secured.
5. The OWNER will present the property in clean and habitable condition. OWNER will provide bed linens and bathroom towels. Upon arrival, if TENANT is not satisfied with the cleanliness of the premises, TENANT will so notify OWNER within 24 hours.
6. TENANT agrees to abide by all Surfside South Condominium Rules and Regulations provided by OWNER and to pay all applicable rental application fees required. TENANT is responsible for all toll calls and shall charge all such calls to TENANT’s home phone or credit card.
7. If the TENANT or his representative is unable to view this property prior to entering into this lease contract, the OWNER will not be held responsible if this property does not meet the TENANT’s expectations.
8. The TENANT shall return ALL KEYS to OWNER prior to departure. A $10 fee will be deducted for each key not returned.
9. This property will not be used for functions such as weddings, wedding receptions, family reunions, or any other gatherings involving more than the maximum number of occupants specified in this lease agreement except with prior approval of the OWNER
10. The TENANT shall not disturb, annoy, endanger, or inconvenience neighbors, nor use the premises for any immoral or unlawful purposes, nor violate any law or ordinance, nor commit waste or nuisance on or about the premises.
11. The TENANT will not lease or sublet, nor permit others to occupy premises except with prior approval of the OWNER
12. The TENANT agrees to allow OWNER or his agent to enter and view premises, with proper notification: to inspect the premises; to make repairs; to show property to a prospective purchaser; or pursuant to a Court Order.
13. The OWNER shall have no liability to TENANT for inclement weather.
14. TENANT agrees to hold OWNER harmless of any injuries or claims caused by or contributed to by accidents, allergic reactions, or any other casualties or health problems which may arise during tenancy or as a result of said tenancy. Safety precautions undertaken by OWNER are not foolproof, and TENANT shall hold OWNER harmless from all claims to person or property arising out of the use and occupancy of the premises.
15. No animals of any description will be kept in or on premises.
16. The TENANT agrees to restrict any smoking to the outdoors. Smoking inside the condominium is not allowed.
17. Security deposit funds will be held by the OWNER. Endorsement and cashing of the Security Deposit check constitutes acknowledgement of receipt. Deposit refunds will be returned within two weeks of OWNER’s receipt of telephone bill for the rental period provided the property is left undamaged and without excessive cleaning required to ready the property for the next tenant. TENANT agrees to repair or replace any damage to the premises resulting from said tenancy. Damages that may be claimed by OWNER from TENANT are not limited to the amount of the security deposit and shall include any and all costs incurred by OWNER to recover such damages including attorney fees. Any deductions from security deposits will be confirmed with estimates, invoices/statements or receipts for costs incurred by OWNER.
18. Should the property be destroyed by fire or other casualty so as to become unfit for human habitation prior to occupancy by TENANT, this lease shall become null and void and all payments made hereunder shall be refunded to TENANT, who agrees to hold the OWNER harmless in such a case. Should the property be rendered uninhabitable by an Act of God (including but not limited to hurricanes, storms, floods, environmental disaster, loss of utilities), during tenancy, reimbursement on a per diem basis will be negotiated between the TENANT and the OWNER.
If the TENANT cancels his/her reservation, all funds received will be refunded ONLY if premises are re-rented by OWNER for the reservation period. OWNER will make every effort to find a replacement TENANT. If OWNER is successful in securing a replacement for the entire term of the lease, at the same rate and terms, the TENANT will receive a refund of the deposit paid less $50 US. There is no guarantee that a replacement TENANT will be secured and there is no guarantee the TENANT will receive a refund if a replacement TENANT is not secured.